Monday, 24 February 2014

|| London Fashion Week || My Favourites from the Week ||

With Fashion Week having been and gone, it seems the fashion world is still obsessing over the biggest fashion event of the year.

I, unfortunately, did not go, however my plan is to try and go next year. Fingers crossed. Anyway, over the past week I have been scrolling through the various pictures and videos of the past Fashion Week from numerous sources; from Fashion Week’s website, to Cara Delevigne and Kate Grand’s Instagram. Every picture and video I have seen has made me so jealous and I just wish more than anything to be there, admiring all the collections (anything is better than A Levels) from the sophisticated and classy to the weird and wonderful.

London Fashion Week has now ended and I thought it would be acceptable to do a post dedicated to my favourites throughout the week, and give a little insight into why I like the collections.

All the images I have used on this post are taken from Fashion Weeks website.
No copyright intended.

Vivienne Westwood Red Label Spring/Summer 2014

Vivienne Westwood has been one of my favourite designers for as long as I've been involved with fashion. There's something so fascinating about and intriguing about her work, her collections reflect her and h er chose style. For me her collections reflect more of art than fashion, they represent freedom, femininity, fashion and art. I am particularly in favour of this collection, there's something about the combination of colours, patterns and various textures that is so mesmerizing.

Tata-Naka Autumn/Winter 2014

How utterly fabulous is this collection?! I think I'm obsessed. Admittedly, I had not heard of Tata-Naka but after a bit of research I discovered that these two Georgian sisters are now one of my favourite labels. When I was scrolling through London Fashion Week's website, I  instantly saw this collection and it is safe to say that it was love at first sight. I'm not sure why I am so completely in love with it, but I am. The clothing has a similar appeal to that of my grandmother's curtains, the sort of appeal that makes you question yourself: why do I like this? What is it that is so intriguing? But there you are, still doting over this bazaar yet beautiful combination. 

Erdem Spring/Summer 2014

I think monochrome is a trend that will always be around. It will circulate the fashion world for eternity, constantly making reoccurrence's on our catwalks and in our magazines. It is just so effortlessly chic and sophisticated, and it cannot go wrong. It is faultless. Erdem's S/S collection for 2014 is the epitome of all that. With a combination of just black, just white, and the two mixed together, Erdem Moralioğlu has created a collection that not only is simplistic in colour, but is profound in the details, the fabrics and the designs. Monochrome at its finest.

Emilia Wickstead Spring/Summer 2014

And moving on from the simplistic colours, we encounter the bold colours. Emilia Wickstead has pulled out all the stops in creating a beautiful and stimulating collection. The structured cuts and shapes contrast with the bold, yet soft pastel colours creating a collection to suit everyone. There is something about Wicksteads S/S 14 collection that just has me falling head over heels. I love everything about it. The angular shaping to the clothing against the pastel colours is just beautiful. I just love it...

Whistles Autumn/Winter 2014

Lilac. The marmite of the fashion world. It has the potential to be fabulous and eye-catching, or the potential to drown all colour out of your face and make you look severely ill. (Personally I am a fan of lilac.) Whistles' A/W 14 collection is wonderful. The colours are, I must admit, some of my favourites and the combination of them just works. The clothes look comfortable and easy to wear, yet still having an effortlessly chic look to them.

So here you have it, just a couple of my favourites from London Fashion Week. Hopefully next year  you will be reading a post dedicated to when I actually went to Fashion Week. We can hope. Please let me know your favourites from Fashion Week.

Friday, 21 February 2014

|| Rome Trip - January 2014 ||

A thousand apologies for the lack of posting, I’m very ashamed.

Nice wet morning in Rome
I know I always say this, but I have been incredibly busy – A Levels are not fun. And that is a fact. I’ve been very bogged down with coursework, homework and a week of work experience at the Wilts & Glos Standard (more to come on that later.) I’ve been meaning to write this post for a while, and have been putting it off for ages. I’m sorry.


At the end of January I was fortunate enough to go on a trip to Rome with my Classical Civilisation class. We stayed in the beautiful city of Rome for four nights, and just around four days and I have to say it was one of the most wonderful cities I have ever been to (it may even top Paris…)

Admittedly the weather was appalling. It rained the whole time we were there, with the exception of the sun making an appearance on our last day in the city – typical. The rain unfortunately caused a few problems to our schedule, for example we were not able to visit Ostia Antica because the rain had left some “puddles” which meant we couldn’t look around. It’s safe to say my lecturer was extremely irritated. However, we didn’t let the weather affect our spirits as we traipsed around the city of Rome with our troop of umbrellas and soaked shoes.

Initially we couldn’t get into the Forum, again because of puddles. The Romans must not be as well adjusted to the rain as we Brits are. However we did eventually get a chance to take a tour around the political centre for the Roman Empire and it was absolutely mind-boggling. 

Me and a bust.
It was absolutely fascinating to see where Cicero would have performed his speeches, where the Caesar was cremated, where the Vestal Virgins lived and prayed, and all the other bits of history that I got far too over-excited about. Along with the Forum, we also visited the Palatine Hill and the Colosseum, which were all valid for our knowledge on Roman History.

Amongst all the Roman historical sites, we all visited all the ‘typical tourist’ sites of Rome including; the Sistine Chapel, St Peter’s Basilica, the Trevi Fountain and the Pantheon. We also went to many other churches and fountains but unfortunately I can’t remember all their names. 

One of my favourite places was definitely the Vatican and the Vatican Museum. It was so unbelievably mesmerising and everything was so beautiful. The Vatican Museum in particular was astounding. There was so much to see and there was art and history everywhere; on the walls, floors and ceilings. I would be walking down a corridor and my eyes would be automatically drawn to a painting on the ceiling, and then to the main features on the walls, and then to some more art dotted around the whole area. Just incredible.

(L-R) Me, Zeus, Georgia
We were lucky enough to get a guided tour around Cinecitto Film Studios (kind of the Hollywood of Rome.) We went into the studio’s mini-museum which had props and costumes from various films filmed on the location, along with information about the films and a short documentary about the studio’s prime set designer Dante Ferretti. Cinecitto also happens to be the location where HBO’s series ‘Rome’ is filmed and the set is still currently up. This proved to be very interesting as it gave us an insight into what Rome would have looked like ‘back in the day.’

Other than all the touristy and historical sites, we also got the “real Italian experience” when we went out for pizza and pasta for every meal. I’m pretty sure I doubled my weight out there with the amount of pizza, pasta, ice cream and wine I had. It was so worth it though. 

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

|| Liebster Award 2014 ||

Liebster award time! This is so exciting for me, I've never been nominated before so this is my first time. I feel all gushy and just want to tell everyone (I'm obviously easy to please…) Anyway, I was nominated by the lovely Sophy at Lashes & Splashes whose blog is truly fabulous and, if you haven't already, you should check it out.

The Rules

1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.  
2. You must answer the 11 questions given by the nominee before you. 
3. You pick 11 nominees with under 200 (or there about) followers to answer your questions. 
4. You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
5. You must tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.

Sophy's Questions 

Best high end makeup purchase?
Oh golly this is tricky! I'm quite impressed with most of my make-up to be honest as I've spent so long trying to find the right one (see my make-up here) But it's got to be said that my MAC concealer has been a favourite for some time now - it's fabulous.

If you could only use one item of makeup for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I don't think I can pick one - is that bad?! However it is definitely between mascara (hide those pesky blonde lashes), my eyebrow pencil (my real-life lifesaver) or my concealer because I am prone to acne.

Have you stuck to your new year resolutions?
I actually have! I've actually done really well for me considering what I'm normally like. I give up on things very easily and have terrible commitment issues...

Favourite item of clothing that you own and why?
Oh my word I have no idea… I just have so many clothes and all for different moods etc. I can't pick!

What do you like to do in your spare time?
Sadly I don't have that much of 'spare time' because A Levels literally swamp my life. It's so sad. But when I do get some time to myself I do really enjoy reading, books and magazines. I also have a ukelele and guitar (which I really cannot play - as much as I like to tell myself..) that I like to have a little play on when I have time. I also really enjoy just being with my friends and family (cheeeeesy) and talking etc. And I'm going to honest with you all, I really love just lazing about watching the telly….

What is a beauty item you have bought and wished you hadn't?
I bought this Witch bb cream moisturiser thing ages ago, and thought it was the bees knees. I didn't realise it was about two shades to dark for me… Not a good look and seaming as that was the palest one I probably shouldn't have stayed with it so long. Oh well.

What is your next blogging goal (if you have one)?
Ooh I'm not too sure really, maybe do an interview with someone interesting? Or perhaps get to a stage with my blog that I can get paid for blogging? -Getting paid for a hobby just sounds marvellous.

What is your perfect nail polish shade?
Black. Always. Occasionally a sparkly one if I'm feeling a bit adventurous.

Are you a lipstick or lipgloss kinda girl?
Lipstick always. I've never been a fan of lipgloss to be honest, I don't like how it's sticky?

What are you looking forward to this year?
Getting my AS exams over with and the summer - lots of festivals lined up!

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?
Oh golly this is hard. There is so much I'd love to buy, but I would really love to get some Dr.Marten's Vegan Shoes, they're lovely.

My Nominations
(Went via Bloglovin' followers.)

My Questions

  1. What is your favourite thing about blogging?
  2. If you could only have one make-up item, what would it be?
  3. What is your favourite makeup brand?
  4. Where is your favourite store/place to buy clothes?
  5. Where is your most favourite place you have visited and why?
  6. Who is your fashion icon?
  7. What are you hobbies? (outside of blogging)
  8. Do you have a favourite perfume?
  9. Who is your ultimate dinner party guest? (dead or alive.)
  10. What is your biggest clothing regret - and why?
  11. What is the most expensive fashion item you've ever bought?

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